Contemporary Topics 2. High Intermediate. Academic Listening and Note Taking Skills (+DVD) Ellen Kisslinger

Contemporary Topics 2. High Intermediate. Academic Listening and Note Taking Skills (+DVD) - Ellen Kisslinger
Автор: Kisslinger Ellen
Редактор: Rost Michael
Издательство: Pearson, 2009 г.
Редактор-составитель: Вильчик Давыд Фомич
Верстка: Былов Ермил Филатович
Оформитель: Гаджибабаев Пимен Игнатович
Кол-во страниц: 447
Формат: pdf, txt, fb2

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Why is architect Frank Gehry's work notable? What principles should journalists be following today? What are the keys to owning a successful restaurant?
You'll find the answers to these and other questions in Contemporary Topics 2, by Ellen Kisslinger (Series Editor: Michael Rost), which features college lectures from several academic disciplines, including architecture, media studies, and culinary arts. Contemporary Topics 2 prepares students for the challenge of college lectures with practice in a wide range of listening, speaking and note-taking skills and strategies. The lectures (available on CD and DVD) were filmed in realistic academic setting before line student audiences.
Third edition. Скачать электронную книгу Contemporary Topics 2. High Intermediate. Academic Listening and Note Taking Skills (+DVD) Ellen Kisslinger.

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  • Contemporary Topics 2. High Intermediate. Academic Listening and Note Taking Skills (+DVD) Ellen Kisslinger

  • Contemporary Topics 2. High Intermediate. Academic Listening and Note Taking Skills (+DVD) Ellen Kisslinger
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